Lia Sailing

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We finally got in to Titran, chosen only as it was the nearest port! We arrived at a little pontoon around nine in the evening in rain and wind. Once we were tied up and hiding below getting some food on wehad a knock on the hull, the lady who owned the bakery in the little village came down to welcome us and apologise as her shop was closed since seven but offered to get anything we needed, this was our first introduction to the friendliness of the locals in Norway. We declined but agreed we’d be up to her cafe as soon as she opened in the morning and sample the local bakery delights. Once we had had a nice hot shower the Frey bentos went in the oven as the potatoes boiled and what a welcome meal it was! Exhausted we were in bed before we knew it the morning had come and bakery had opened!

After our long ly we filled up on coffee and waffles as well as sample the local chocolates to compare to cadburys (sampling and research still ongoing!) we went for a walk around the town where we saw a monument for the great storm that took 150 odd men and boys who were at sea at the time who had come to rake in the mackerel as there was a hike in the prices. The disaster had a devestating effect on the town and local are due to taking the majority of the male population.

We tidied the boat, swooped some books in the cafe and head off with the intention of motoring through the night. We travelled around two hours and made a sharp left turn and raced to the nearest village satisfy a sudden craving for kebabs and pizza! Here we found another free pontoon to tie up to and made the kebab shop with twenty minute to spare before closing. Highly recommend! But the beer came with a shocking price tag of over nine euro.

We rose late again the following morning and knowing we had a long twenty hours of motoring ahead due to light headwinds.